The world’s first self-driving grocery store just hit the streets of Shanghai

The Moby store is a self-driving grocery store, powered by solar and open round-the-clock without staffing.

Seine Musicale in Paris is wrapped in a rotating solar sail that follows the sun

Architects teamed up to create the stunning Seine Musicale in Paris. The shimmering glass globe's exterior is wrapped with a massive solar panel “sail” that rotates around the building to follow the sun.

Trees will grow on the balconies of Istanbul’s honeycomb-like apartments

International architecture studio designed Urban Rural, a modular residential high-rise that aims to raise the bar for sustainable development in Turkey’s capital.

This Is How Future Airports Must Be Built

In Oslo, the world’s greenest air terminal uses a reservoir of snow gathered during the winter to cool the building throughout the summer months

China is set to build this smog-eating 'Forest City' filled with tree-covered skyscrapers

An architect envisions that his futuristic development could contain up to 200 vegetation-covered towers, a train system, and lots of green space.

Australian home builder offers solar plus batteries as standard

Australian builder is offering solar and battery storage as standard. It comes with a Tesla Powerwall 2, which offers 13.5kWh of storage capacity. This combo should allow a family to meet 90% of their own energy needs.

A prefab OxyGen project will deliver a green oasis to Paris

A French design studio recently unveiled OxyGen, their competition-winning proposal that will bring greenery and prefab construction to Paris’ major business district.

Zero-carbon home generates income by making more energy than it needs

The home of the future could slash your utility bills and generate enough money to help pay the mortgage.

Students design beautiful homes for mass-production at just $20,000 each

Architecture students at Auburn University's Rural Studio design and build sustainable and low-cost homes in their 20K Project.

The Venus Project aims to create sustainable new world civilisation beyond politics

According to the mission statement, the project wants to achieve a sustainable new world civilization beyond politics, poverty and war. The community will be run not by politicians but by a central computer that will distribute resources as needed.

Qatar, UK firm launch "sustainable" building blocks

VegeBlock contributes to sustainable development and the implementation of the green construction concept through the re-use of materials that might otherwise be disposed of as waste.

China's first vertical forest is rising in Nanjing

The two green towers could provide the city with a breath of fresh air, producing around 132 pounds of oxygen every day as they absorb carbon dioxide. They’ll accomplish this air-cleaning feat with 1,100 flourishing trees and 2,500 cascading shrubs and plants.

Welcome to the EcoHood: Europe's New Green Villages

Recent construction projects in Wales, Iceland and the Netherlands conjure a future of off-grid intentional communities and geothermal biodomes.

A lush hilly park tops the Nanning Planning Exhibition Hall in China

The green roof of the new Nanning Planning Exhibition Hall in China is an elevated urban park.